It's pretty hard to see in the picture but every paint color I painted looked YELLOW. In the end I went with Benjamin Moore Gray owl tinted 50% lighter and it is perfect! Totally worth the $50+ I spent in paint samples🙄. For the kids rooms and the master bedroom I kind of just picked the paint colors off the chip and went with it. I got lucky with those because all the room colors look just how I wanted!
I don't actually have very many good pictures showing all the paint colors because I suck at blogging.
Anyhoo. Everyone keeps asking me what the progress is on the house. Basically what is going on there is about 5-8 different projects all at once. It is chaos. It sucks. Too much to do still! Too many choices! Save me! Here is a glimpse of what we've got cooking right now:
And this is where my kids hole up while Sean and I try to get all the things finished by JANUARY 29!!
Poor babies. They are over it. If you ask them if they are excited to move to the new house they will say no because to them the new house means sitting in this room and fending for themselves all day.