Monday, October 31, 2016

Things are moving along

at glacial speed.

It is fitting that I post this on Halloween because the house is looking a little spooky right now!

All the demo is finished. It took a wee bit longer than anticipated because that stone fireplace...was solid brick. And I mean SOLID brick from the floor to the roof. For every layer of brick that was removed there was another layer behind it. 

Enough brick to fill over half of this 20 something foot trailer. This doesn't include the stone that was on the outside of the fireplace. My worker took those off my hands. They weren't just veneers either. 



So now I have this lovely hole to deal with. We already got the roof patched but after a surprise rainstorm last week we found we have some roof problems. It's a flat roof and the water isn't draining properly. We had water leaking where that AC vent is to the left of the fireplace hole. 


When we tore down the drop ceiling in the kitchen we had a few issues to deal with. Two AC ducts were running through there along with a pipe.

After some fancy McGuivering we moved everything back behind the walls and now the kitchen is almost ready to be drywalled. 

it looks pretty scary at the moment

That funky crack in the floor

has been repaired and we are slowly leveling the floor with concrete

It is actually more filled in at this point and looks nice and smooth but I don't have a picture.

I'm just happy to be done with the demo portion of this project and on to the more exciting stuff!

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